

Monday, August 24, 2015



The concept of "Jonsona" - was conceived in September of 2014 (about a year ago). A stage name that was created in 1993 for an Erotic Artwork tablet book back then. "Jonsona" is a deep part of me - the "Jonsona" in me is the confident, strong "me" and yes, sometimes Madonna-esque (get over it) - however, the every day life me is actually quite boring and kind of nerdy! ;)

J>> I had decided to retire my music entity, BYPASS RATIO  last year and start fresh and maybe try to sell my music on a more professional level. I bought a brand new computer and expensive software and microphones and in March of this year, I got to work! I was hard on myself!   I struggled to get the album done by May (I was recording an album while still new to and learning how to use the software) and as I mixed the last track and was ready to start promoting and sell my first album, Exemplify, on CD BABY which would also be available through them on I TUNES and many other venues, when I uploaded the video to a single entitled  So You, on Youtube, I received a "matched third party content" warning!!! Come to find out, that the piano music loops from Mixcraft 7 (my Garageband like software) was actually from copyrighted music from this guy who is a CEO at NBC! Later on, I would find out that other loops I had used on the album were from copyrighted songs too. I was just devastated! Completely devastated! I sent a message to the bands and I never got a response back but I just didn't feel like I could "sell" an album with other people's music on it. I asked many music people about "loops" on music software and if I had a right to use them and apparently I do have the legal right and can sell my own music with them, just not sell the loops themselves but the loops for So You and Night Train were so much of these peoples compositions that I just didn't feel comfortable with selling my album, so it got uploaded to Soundcloud as a free album. Later on I would find out that apparently I TUNES and the rest, rejected the album or just didn't care so, it wouldn't of mattered anyway I guess. Exemplify was doomed as far as making a profit, from the very beginning! Fuck it!

I went into a deep deep depression after the Exemplify debacle! I laid in bed for months, slept and ate, ate and slept, watched youtube videos and got really fat! Then I got very disgusted with myself and I told myself, get over it bitch, record a NEW album then! I started the new album in May/June. I've used loops in this album too but they are very basic and according to the rules of the game, I can use them and there should be absolutely no problem with any copyright issues now! And, I'm not going to "sell" this album. Upload to Soundcloud and maybe some other places and maybe in some related way, I can somehow make money from my music and brand but if that never happens, the most important thing is that I am doing what I love, music, and that I didn't let a form of failure, stop me forever from continuing to do what I love!


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